Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday Recap

Sunday started early, the baby woke up at 2:30. The hubby tried first to get her back to sleep then it was my turn. So I was up at 3:30. After I fed the baby she wanted to play. I tried to limit the playing, I didn't want to encourage her to stay up. So, I put her in the bouncer with a toy and I played around on the computer, reading blogs as you can see by the giveaways on the right. -->
The baby finally fell asleep a little after 5. I tried to lay back down but couldn't fall asleep. Made some coffee, found my running clothes and got my run started.

I am so happy I got an early start, it warmed up pretty quickly. I got through the first 5 miles, ran pretty slowly. The last 2, I stopped at 3 water fountains and refilled my little 6 oz water bottle I was carrying. It had gotten pretty hot and I was feeling pretty dehydrated. But I finished and am back on track with my training program. It took 1:17 which is 11 min avg so I can't complain about that.

Friday, August 27, 2010

yeah for sleep

Baby slept through the night, three nights in a row!! So I ran three mornings in a row before she woke. woo-hoo!

I am concerned about figuring out some sort of schedule though. My hubby changes his hours in a few weeks and he will be leaving for work at 6 am (yikes!). I am unsure of when I'll get my runs in. I like having them finished before the kids wake so I don't have to worry about it later. I don't think i'll be able to get up early enough to drive to the y and be back by 6. And it is still dark when I leave the house at 6 to run as it is. Definitely don't feel comfortable running outside any earlier. May have to suck it up and try to push the double stroller that we spent all that money on. At least now I can put the baby in without the carseat, that will help lessen the load. I will just have to bribe the 3 year old to sit in it for at least a little while. Maybe the kids will cooperate and go into the remodeled kid watch area.

So I think my options are as follows:
  1. Get up at 430 am to drive to the y and run on the treadmill
  2. Use the double stroller
  3. Put the kids in child watch and hope for the best
  4. Run in the evening
  5. Get a treadmill for the house, which I would either have to win or get (almost) free, cause it isn't in the budget.
So that's it. I have a few weeks before I will need to change. Any thoughts? Any input, ideas would be appreciated.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day two of this cool weather and the baby sleeping through the night. Makes it easy to go for that early morning run. I am definitely being spoiled by this, looking forward to fall.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cool weather

Don't know when fall started but my run sure felt good this morning. I didn't run yesterday as planned, I was too tired. I had a busy night at work and didn't get much sleep yesterday. I went to bed super early. The baby actually slept through the night so I woke up at 5:40 and checked on her. Figured since I was up and she was asleep I should head out for a run. Left the house at 6, it was still pretty dark but it was cool- in the 60's. Got in 45 minutes. The kids were both still asleep so I caught up on email and fb. Not sure what I am going to do when the hubby has to start leaving for work at 6 in a few weeks. May have to save up for a treadmill so I can still sneak in a run before the kids wake up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

On Bad Races and the Morning After

I have not been running well the last couple of weeks. Between the skipped workouts, the heat and the frequent nighttime feedings, my running has suffered. My race did not go well. It was Saturday evening, I had worked Friday night and had slept off and on Saturday. I had a meal about 3 hours before the race. My stomach was a little upset at the start and my legs felt like lead. Not good when the race is only 3k and you need some speed. The course was hilly. I thought I'd start out slow and pick it up the second half but the pick up didn't happen. Finishing time 17:02.
They also had a free 1/2 mile kids race so I "ran" that with my 3 year old. She had fun but was tired from walking to the race, playing at the playground and the kids race didn't even start until 7:15. She is usually heading to bed around that time. I had to carry her for a little bit. She pulled up her socks to "wear them like mommy" since I have been wearing compression socks.
Then, Sunday was weigh in day. I had lost 2 pounds. Not sure how that happened after only losing a half pound the last several weeks but it was a nice surprise. So, we'll se how this week goes, not sure how or when I'll fit in my workouts this week.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Didn't make my run yesterday evening (are you surprised) after being awake most of the night and all day. Went to bed super early in preparation for the baby to wake up. I guess the combination of three shots at her 6 month check-up and the tylenol I gave her helped 'cause she slept through the night. So I snuck in my run already this morning. It was a slow 4 miles but I finished it. So hopefully I am back on track, just need to run 4 tomorrow morning now.

Oh, and my weekly weigh-in, another half pound. So I am happy I have been consistently losing a half pound per week for the last 3 weeks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Miss Sleep

Been awake with the baby since 2:40 am. She finally fell asleep around 4:30 but of course I couldn't fall asleep then. Got some laundry and dishes done, was starting to feel tired but guess what. I hear the 3 year old and the baby waking up. Coffee is needed. Hoping to have enough energy to do my 4 miler this evening. Guess I should have done it before the hubby left for work. At least all of my running skirts will be clean and dry by then. That should motivate me to get out the door:-)
On the bright side I got my 2 miler in yesterday evening after working the night shift and only sleeping for 3 hours. It was slow but I'm saving all that speed for Saturday's race. HA!

Friday, August 13, 2010

This week has been a total fail. Just as I start to make progress I shoot myself in the foot. I was tired and not feeling well Wednesday, attempted Thursday-it was just too hot. This morning I got out but only ran 3 instead of 4. So I am falling short this week. I think this heat is getting to me. Been feeling pretty tired and blah. Hoping for that "cool front" to move in so the highs go down to 90. We'll see how thw weekend goes. I am hoping to do 2 tomorrow morning when I get off work and then 6 on Sunday.

Monday, August 9, 2010

So not only did my hubby keep the baby in the other room Saturday night so I could get sleep, he also got up with her when she woke up. I got six hours of sleep-IN A ROW. Yep I was feeling good. So Sunday morning did not totally suck. It wasn't as hot so I ran six miles. I ran slow and felt okay, that last mile was tiring but I did try to pick it up towards the end. Trying the 3/1 thing from Hal Higdon's book Run Fast. Didn't feel too bad later in the day and I wasn't sore today.

Today was super hot so I modified stroller class to stay in the shade close to the building in case anyone got overheated, we could head inside. R played with a little boy who will be in her preschool class. They played well so hopefully she will be okay with staying there without me. She already said she didn't want to go without me and baby P.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Yep that was me driving around town with a crown on, a paper crown that said mom on the front. My three year old made it for me an I asked me to wear it two days in a row.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Yes it was 101 degrees at 6pm when I went for run and no it wasn't that bad. Really. I took it slow and stayed close to home. Ended up running 3.5. woot-woot! Made me feel like I deserved the crown my three year old made for me today:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

The kiddos kept me up Saturday night so Sunday morning was a total fail. But believe it or not I actually got my run in Sunday night after bedtime. Felt good and felt fast, had to dodge all the concert goers as they were leaving the park. Finished the 5 miles in 50 minutes.
Of course I couldn't sleep after having such a good run and then the baby woke up just as I was winding down so Sunday night was a sleep fail. Arrgh, can't seem to get the baby's sleep schedule together but I am working on it. I have high hopes of getting her on some sort of schedule. Someday. soon.