Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cut-Down Tempo

 Did the Wild Wednesday workout with the training group.  It was a cut-down tempo.  Six miles with each getting 10 seconds faster, the last one supposed to be 10 seconds faster than half marathon pace.  Does that make sense.  So goal pace is 9:30, then I want to hit 10:10, 10:00, 9:50, 9:40, 9:30, 9:20. It went well, we progressed for the most part.  Ten seconds at a time, well, that is hard to do.  Our last mile was definitely the fastest.

I really was not wanting to go, feeling too tired to run.  I am so happy I ended up getting there and getting it done.  I really had to push myself out the door.  It was even warm enough to wear my new shorts!  I am liking the new shorts, bermuda style so they cover everything but tight enough not to chafe.  Wore them for 7.5 miles total with the warm up and cool down jogs thrown in.

Not only did the hubby have dinner waiting for me on the stove, he even had one kiddo asleep.  So it was a good evening!

wasn't talented enough to get all the shorts in but you get the idea

Did the recovery run today with my sister, no knee pain for her after 3.5 miles. She isn't planning on running the half at this point but at least it is promising that she had her first pain free run!

Happy Running! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snow again!

We are back to the cold. It even snowed several inches. Yuck. I made strides last night and put my clothes and gear out before I went to bed. I searched high and low for my favorite cold weather socks. I finally found them. So htat was a plus! I am slowly learning if I can get stuff out the night before I won't have to tiptoe in the dark and then drive like a madwoman to get there on time:)
For breakfast I had toast with pb and honey and one cup of coffee. No bathroom issues this week, yay!
The training group was unusually small this morning. My sister is still taking some time off to heal. I ended up joining two other women who were planning 13 miles. They were going to run one of the hard hilly parts of the course. We were going a nice easy pace, ran out 6, part of it on the course and stopped to gu. Then we ran back the hilly part of the course. I kept repeating,
I love hills! I think I am going to write it on the back of my bib so I can see it race day.
We had some ice/slush/puddles to navigate so all in all I am happy with how it went. We just had a little bit to add in at the end to make 13. Total time was 2:19.29. That is a 10:43 pace. I only stopped my watch for the gu stop, otherwise when we waited at lights and stop signs, I let it run. I knew I would (and have forgotten) to restart it. So it was a couple minutes faster.
I can cover the distance, now I just need to figure out pace. I am thinking 9:40s. Two weeks until race day!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rewind: This Week's Training

Wow,  has it really been over a week since I posted?  I am sure everyone is waiting to see what I have bee up to, HA!  Anyway, on with the rewind:
Sunday Long run at planned half marathon pace.  I did a one mile warmup.  Then I ran the first few with my sis and her injured knee.  After she turned around I began the hunt for the porta-potty.  Found one, it was occupied.  I waited a couple of minutes, still in there, so I took off in search of the next one.  Finally found one.  It was just one of those days.  All in all, I wasn't terribly disappointed.  I ended up running these miles by myself after my sister turned around.  Here's the splits:
9:46 the turn around was into the wind
total 1:38.32
  I did discover that my favorite capris kept sliding down, they are old so I may need a new pair.  I don't think I'll be wearing them race day.  Oh and it was warm on Sunday.
Monday- easy 2 mile recovery run.  Played with kids outside most of the day, went for a short walk with the stroller.  It was nearly 80 degrees.
Tuesday Work/Rest day but playing outside with the kids counts right?
Wednesday Sculpt class, followed by work.  I had my running stuff with me but I didn't get out in time to make it to the workout.  And I hadn't fed the baby since the morning, I was getting rather uncomfortable.  So no run.
Thursday High in the 30s, yep 70s all week, then wham, 30s. I was not looking forward to making up my speed work by myself.  I finally dragged myself over to the park, it was almost 6 pm.  The planned workout 2 x 4 miles at HMP.  I talked myself into doing one.  I was going to at least bring my ipod for company, but I forgot it.  Grrr.  So after my warmup, I was off.
Then it was supposed to be a 5 minute break, I shed a layer, had some gatorade, walked back to the start.  3:30.  I decided I didn't want to jog around for 90 seconds so when my watch hit 4, I took off again.  I decided to run on the single grassy path to see how it was.
10:13 umm, back to the paved path
9:31 all out, And had I not had to go around some walkers at the end, I think I would have made it 1 second faster.
Total of 8 miles at pace.  Yay! Who needs an ipod.
Friday I will probably just do a dvd this afternoon.  It is currently snowing/sleeting.  Crazy flippin' weather.  I was ready to put away our winter stuff, I had started to get out the spring stuff.  The highs in the 30s-40s for the next week.  I am not organized enough to wear shorts one day and have gloves and hats the next:)  Oh well,  I guess I will deal with it.

So that is my week in a nutshell.  16 days until the half.  Oh and if you can send some positive vibes to my sister and her knee,  she would like to run.  She is taking the week off then she will see.  We are hoping she can at least run, even if it is slower than she hoped.  Our marathon isn't until fall so she has plenty of time to heal, get back on track before then.

Have a good weekend!  Good luck to all those racing this weekend!  I know there are quite a few doing the National Marathon, can't wait to read about all the PRs!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Three Things Thursday- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good:
I ran last night. The workout was 3 x 2 miles at half marathon pace.  The first one went well, we were a little fast especially considering the standing water and mud we slowed to walk through.  18:25. We jogged the rest interval.

The Bad:
On the second repeat, my sisters knee started to bother her,  I kept going. We have had 4 runs where she has had knee pain. On two runs I stopped with her, two I kept going. I felt bad going on without her but I also want to get my run done.  So what do you do when a training partner is injured or has to stop?  Do you stop?  Tell them you'll see them at the end?
I hit repeat #2 on the nose at 19:00.  The third interval was hard.  I was running by myself and it was getting dark.  The first mile was 10:08.  Ugh.  I stopped for a second to adjust my shoe, something was rubbing and then off to finish that last mile.  Third repeat 19:48.  Eh.  It was done.

The Ugly:
My run today.  I was sore from sculpt class and run yesterday.  I seriously was sucking wind today.  I started to get a side stitch.  It felt like my second bra was too tight, hitting in the wrong spot.  I did a Jennifer Beal from Flashdance move and took off the top bra while taking a walk break.  I ended up getting 3 miles in but it was a rough one.  It was also almost 80 degrees today.  So maybe the huge jump in temperature had something to do with it also.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Forefoot Numbness

I am still fighting this nasty cold/cough thing.  I have been hacking up nasty stuff from my lungs.  I am going to run this evening with my sister for the first time since Friday.  Hopefully, it will make me feel better not worse.  I really can't take off any more time.  We are getting close to race day.  We are doing 3x2 mile repeats at half marathon pace. woo-hoo!

 I was reading on someone's blog about their feet going numb while running.  I can't remember which blog but I saw this article in an email from Fleet Feet this morning and thought I would pass it on.  Maybe the person will see it.
Sometimes my feet go numb when I work out. What's happening and what do I do?
In many cases, forefoot numbness or tingling is caused by the repeated pinching of nerves, either (1) under the ball of the foot due to downward pressure or (2) between the toes due to the forefoot being squeezed by the shoe.
Athletes who cycle or use an elliptical trainer are most prone to foot numbness because the forefoot remains constantly on the pedal - and thus constantly pressured and widened.  Treadmill runners who vary neither speed nor incline are also at greater risk because their gait is unusually repetitive.  Outdoor runners who often run on flat, concrete roads are also prime suspects.
If you suffer from forefoot numbness, consider the following the next time you lace up your shoes for a  workout:
  • Is your shoe wide enough?  When standing, your forefoot should not spill over the side(s) of the shoe.  If you fear the toebox may be too narrow for you, ensure that your forefoot has room to spread by skipping the bottom set of eyelets (i.e., the ones even with the ball of your foot) and lace the rest of the shoe as usual. 
  • Is your shoe long enough?  When standing, the widest part of your foot should be even with the widest part of the shoe.  If the ball of your foot sits forward of the widest part of the shoe, the shoe is too short for you and the toebox is probably too small.
  • Is your arch properly supported?  If not, your midfoot is not carrying enough of the load and you are over-pressuring your forefoot.  Adding a supportive orthotic or switching to a higher-arched shoe will better balance the load.
  • If you will be cycling or elliptical training, occassionally scrunch and stretch your feet and incorporate a set of backward spins every so often.
    • If on the treadmill, regularly change the incline and speed to encourage changes to your gait and strike pattern.

That's all I got for now. My fuzzy brain won't let me think anymore.  That silly baby still won't let me sleep at night.  Of course she is taking a nice long afternoon nap when I have to be awake.    I am thinking of investing in some earplugs for the family;)
 Happy St. Pat's!  

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day Parade 2011

On Thursday I met my sis for a couple of easy recovery miles.  Her knee started bothering her again about a mile in so it was mostly a recovery walk.  Which was fine, I felt good after and we ran/walked three miles total.   In the evening I did some cardio, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, etc for 15 minutes.  
Friday, I was feeling good.  The weather was nice.  I did a quick 4 miles in less than 40 minutes so I was happy.  Felt really good. 

Saturday-rest day/parade
The girls had a ride
My daughter and nephew 
Yep, we were potatoes.
Waiting to start
At the end, time for a snack

We were in the parade downtown yesterday so I thought I'd share a few photos.   I wasn't able to do the run in the morning since I worked Friday night.  I took a short 2 hour nap and was up for the rest of the day.  We had tons of fun being in the parade, giving out beads.  I think pulling a wagon counts as a workout, right? Then we headed over to the after party, had lots of good food and beverages, mmm Guinness. Unfortunately, the baby had other plans for Saturday night.  She woke up congested and had a fever.  So I was up most of the night.  On the bright side, she is feeling better today.  Of course after so little sleep for two nights, I woke up with a chest cold.  I am of the above the neck symptoms, run.  Below the neck,  i.e. chest cold, rest.  So I got some sleep this morning.  Still coughing up crap so I will see if I don't feel better later.  I would rather miss one run than a week.  So in the meantime, I will be downing tea with honey and loads of vitamin C!  

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  Did you celebrate St Pat's? Anyone have plans to celebrate this week? 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birthday Girl

My oldest turned four today. I can't believe it has already been four years.  Unfortunately, she also started feeling sick this afternoon. So she spent the afternoon/evening lying on the couch watching Dora and Toy Story.  Poor thing.  Hopefully, she doesn't spread it to all of us but I have been feeling blah all day.  Until my run that is.

Met the team for mile repeats at planned half marathon pace.  So we would run 1 mile, then jog back to the start.  The loop is actually 1.2 miles, so not quite 400 jog between.  These actually felt really good, pace felt comfortable.  I was aiming for a 9:30 pace.  We were supposed to do 3-6 repeats, I ended up doing four.  My sis was not feeling it tonight and I was anxious to get back home to the sick birthday girl.  I had some serious mommy guilt for leaving the house at all, much less to run.  My miles were

my big girl
Looking around the blogs I see quite a few with sick kids or sick themselves.  Take care everyone.  Hope everyone is feeling better soon.  Spring is just around the corner!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two Parties and One Long Run

I started the weekend off with a bang.  Got to go to my sister's for a Mardi Gras party.  My parents had the kids for a few hours so we could stop by.  I had a good time especially since I got to work the door.  The drunk 20somethings were afraid of this old lady answering the door.  Haha! I am such a brute!

Sunday-long run
My long run started a little later than usual.  We had a kid birthday party to attend, It was an early start and a  30 minute drive.  Which meant I would have to be up and running by seven.  Which seemed doable until the preschooler decided to toss and turn and keep me up, grr.  I got out of bed in a foul mood at 6.  The hubby was nice enough to take the kids downstairs so I went back to bed.  Yep, I slept for two glorious hours in the bed by myself.  Ahhh.
Off to the party, where I skipped the pizza and cupcakes.  Back home and finally out the door for my long run at 1pm.    At this point I should tell you I had 2 slices of toast for breakfast but nothing since because I didn't want to start my run any later.  I did have some Honey Stinger Energy Chews and Gatorade, the low calorie kind so that probably was of no use. 

I ran from the house with the plan of doing 11 miles.  I have a 5 mile loop that I did and then added on shorter distances that I knew.  There is a grassy, muddy area that is about 1/2 mile long so I did some mile repeats there.  Not for speed just because I knew the distance and could rack up a few extra mile.  So I did three miles there.  Towards the end I know another path is 1 1/2 miles so I did that twice. So I ended up with 11 miles in 1:51:44.  I thought that it would take me a little closer to 2 hours so hopefully I didn't short my self any distance.  It is nice to run without a Garmin stressing me out about
How fast/slow am I running?  Has it been another mile yet?
I know the approximate distances of quite a few of the paths around the house so it isn't totally neccessary.  But sometimes it is nice to see the distance spelled out and not have to do math while running.
I am so happy I sucked it up those last few miles, let me tell you I wanted to bail.  I just had to keep moving, I was talking to myself by the end.  I mean out loud, to myself.  "One more mile. almost there, one more mile."  Hopefully none of my neighbors walked by but I don't think I would have cared at that point.  I was so hungry by time I got home.  I had a huge peanut butter banana sandwich.

Belly is full now and kids are in bed.  I am looking forward to getting more miles in this week.  I ran 3 times total this past week, for a total of 19 miles.  Not great but I'l take it.  I also did my DVD twice and sculpt class once.  So 6 workouts done this week.  I am going to try and run 4 times this week and continue with my cardio/toning workouts.  5 weeks until the half marathon!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What I have been up to

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post.  Everything is going well here.  Been getting in some running, working a little extra and the weather is improving so the kiddos and I have been playing outside more.  Which means less time for the computer.
Kid Update
Devouring the organic nut free,raison free, carrot cupcake
We celebrated Sweet Pea's First Birthday last week and this week she decided to start climbing stairs.  All of them. Up to the second floor.  Good times.  So I now have a make shift barricade at the bottom of the stairs.  We live in an old house so gates don't fit at the bottom.  The preschooler will be turning 4 next week.  She is counting down the days, I guess I need to come up with some big plans for her special day.
Running Update
I ran 10 miles on Sunday at around at 10:30 pace, Yay.  And the itb is still behaving. I have been doing my strengthening exercises, foam rolling, etc.  I barely have any miles in this week because I worked on speed work night so I missed that workout.  I did 5 yesterday and will hopefully am planning on getting out this afternoon without the stroller.  Also on the plan for this weekend is 11 miles.  I have been doing my DVD during Sweet Pea's naptime and the nearly 4 year old has been joining me. So lots of core work for me.

Happy Mardi Gras!  It gets crazy around here at this time of the year.  We are planning on celebrating this weekend so hopefully I will still be able to run Sunday!  Off to get a King Cake!
Happy Weekend!