Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cut-Down Tempo

 Did the Wild Wednesday workout with the training group.  It was a cut-down tempo.  Six miles with each getting 10 seconds faster, the last one supposed to be 10 seconds faster than half marathon pace.  Does that make sense.  So goal pace is 9:30, then I want to hit 10:10, 10:00, 9:50, 9:40, 9:30, 9:20. It went well, we progressed for the most part.  Ten seconds at a time, well, that is hard to do.  Our last mile was definitely the fastest.

I really was not wanting to go, feeling too tired to run.  I am so happy I ended up getting there and getting it done.  I really had to push myself out the door.  It was even warm enough to wear my new shorts!  I am liking the new shorts, bermuda style so they cover everything but tight enough not to chafe.  Wore them for 7.5 miles total with the warm up and cool down jogs thrown in.

Not only did the hubby have dinner waiting for me on the stove, he even had one kiddo asleep.  So it was a good evening!

wasn't talented enough to get all the shorts in but you get the idea

Did the recovery run today with my sister, no knee pain for her after 3.5 miles. She isn't planning on running the half at this point but at least it is promising that she had her first pain free run!

Happy Running! 

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