Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rock Climbing 101

For Christmas my mom gave me and my sisters a pass to visit our local climbing gym. Five times to be exact.  So we went this past weekend.  We had a blast.  I was very sore for a few days.  Especially my fingers and forearms.  We are going again this week so hopefully I won't be as sore. 

My sisters

getting the harness on

all ready to go, youngest goes first

All done
Yes I realize I haven't updated for awhile.  I have been busy/tired/feeling like I'm fighting a bug.  The baby has not been sleeping which means we (hubby included)have not been sleeping.  I did manage a long run on Sunday.  I am gearing up for an evening run tonight.  I am having tea, orange, 1/2 bagel with laughing cow cheese.  I will have to break out the Yaktrax and headlamp for tonight's run.  We got a few inches of snow Tuesday morning.  Will update about my run later,  it is a fartlek workout tonight. Fun,fun. Hopefully, I will be able to move tomorrow.  I already did sculpt class earlier.


  1. Hope you get some sleep. I love climbing walls, I hate climbing wall pictures. My ass just looks 5x bigger with belty things highlighting it's size. I have tagged you in the Stylish Blogger Award post that will go up tomorrow. I'll be out of town for work so I am letting you know early.

  2. That is why I only posted pictures of my sisters climbing:)

  3. So awesome to have sisters! And this is great that you rock climb! :)
