Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why my brain just doesn't work today

Or most days but this is what my last 36 hours has looked like.
After getting up at 5:30 Friday morning to get the hubby and kids off, I headed to work. I worked until 12:30, picked up the kiddos. Quick nap for an hour when the hubby got home then back up for dinner, baths, bedtime routine. Then it was time to get ready for my next shift, yep I then worked the night shift. By time I got home this morning, I had been awake for 27 hours. I was exhausted. I fed the baby, slept for a little while, fed her again, slept for a few more hours. By 1:30 I gave up on the elusive sleep and got up for the day. Luckily, my hubby had picked up a cupcakes for the baby's first birthday tomorrow and one for me today. So I had my "morning coffee" and this:
Chocolate Espresso Cupcake

In the evening the preschooler and hubby went to the daddy daughter dance. They had a great time while I spent some quality time with Sweet Pea. Had a good day but have realized I didn't get make time to exercise yesterday or today. Oops.
On the schedule for tomorrow is a long run with the training group. A six miler at planned HMP. Hoping for some good sleep tonight because I am so over tired that I can barely think. I have the alarm set early because I can't think about getting my clothes out right now.

So when I make no sense, now you know why.
Sweet Pea turns one tomorrow! Yay!


  1. Happy Birthday to your Sweet Pea! Good luck on your run tomorrow! Um, this cupcake looks delicious!! Sleep well...get your rest!

  2. You got me with the cupcake. I have a cupcake after every long run and I cannot wait until after my long run today! :)
    Happy birthday to your little one!
