Thursday, March 17, 2011

Three Things Thursday- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good:
I ran last night. The workout was 3 x 2 miles at half marathon pace.  The first one went well, we were a little fast especially considering the standing water and mud we slowed to walk through.  18:25. We jogged the rest interval.

The Bad:
On the second repeat, my sisters knee started to bother her,  I kept going. We have had 4 runs where she has had knee pain. On two runs I stopped with her, two I kept going. I felt bad going on without her but I also want to get my run done.  So what do you do when a training partner is injured or has to stop?  Do you stop?  Tell them you'll see them at the end?
I hit repeat #2 on the nose at 19:00.  The third interval was hard.  I was running by myself and it was getting dark.  The first mile was 10:08.  Ugh.  I stopped for a second to adjust my shoe, something was rubbing and then off to finish that last mile.  Third repeat 19:48.  Eh.  It was done.

The Ugly:
My run today.  I was sore from sculpt class and run yesterday.  I seriously was sucking wind today.  I started to get a side stitch.  It felt like my second bra was too tight, hitting in the wrong spot.  I did a Jennifer Beal from Flashdance move and took off the top bra while taking a walk break.  I ended up getting 3 miles in but it was a rough one.  It was also almost 80 degrees today.  So maybe the huge jump in temperature had something to do with it also.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  

1 comment:

  1. I usually stretch with my partner mid run if he has to walk or rest. Once I realized this was happening more frequently, I switched our running days to be on easy days when just running is the only thing on the agenda. I saved speed/tempo/long runs stuff with more substance to do on my own or with a partner that will push me.
