Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long run

Let's start with my weekend leading up to todays log run.  First, I was awake for oh, 36 hours or so, minus and hour long nap before and after work Friday night and a 2 hour nap when the hub got home from work Saturday afternoon.  I got up after the 2 hour nap so I could eat dinner and go to bed at a normal time. (Otherwise, I would be wide awake at 11pm or 3 am and exhausted by morning.) So this morning when the kids woke up I was still feeling pretty crappy.  I fed the baby and fell back asleep for a little longer. It was raining this morning anyway so I was in no hurry to get out.  I put on a pot of coffee. Mistake #1.  I drank 5 cups of coffee from the time I got up until I got out the door.  Mistake #2  The only thing I had to eat all day was a grilled cheese. (I would have eaten a pb and banana sandwich but we were out of both pb and bananas.)  My parents were taking the three year old for an outing this afternoon, so I figured that would coincide with the baby's nap.  
I finally got out the door around 2 pm.  I had too much caffeine, and nothing to bring with me.   The plan was to do 2 five mile loops.  The loop starts and ends at my house so I would be able to make a pit stop if needed. The first loop went well enough, I strted nace and slow.  There was a little mist of rain but no downpours. It was cool and overcast.  I made it about 20 minutes and felt like I had to pee.  I knew I could wait until I got to the "real" bathrooms and not use the porta-potty that I would be passing.  My plan included running a slightly different route so I could swing by the corner market and pick up some gatorade as I finished up the first loop.  I barely made it into the house for bathroom break #2.  I put my gatorade into my 6 oz. bottle that I was carrying and started out for Loop#2.
The second loop was going well, I turned on my ipod.  I finished my g2 and stopped at a water fountain to refill.  I had to pee again.  Of course I had already passed the "real bathrooms" but I only had 20-25 minutes left.  I picked up the pace.  I steadily picked it up so by time I turned the corner on our block, I was sprinting.  Thankfully, I made it but I will not be testing my poor ole bladder next week.  I think I will skip the coffee before next week's half.  Ten miles total in 1:56.
 My plan going for the half will be to start slow, I can always pick up the pace as the race goes on.  Secondly, listening to music made the second loop go by quickly so I will definitely be using the ipod. Oh, and again skip the large ingestion of coffee. 
I also better check if there will be pottys along the race course, just in case:)

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