Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This morning I woke up and just had a few minutes to get out the door. I threw on my running clothes, foregoing the contacts and wearing my glasses. Grabbed my hat since it was raining lightly. It was still really dark and the sun didn't start to peak out until I was halfway through my run. I only saw a few people out. It was muggy, really muggy, fog up the glasses kind of muggy.

I was most of the way around the park when it started to pour. I put my hat on and kept going. Running in the rain doesn't bother me. It rained two out of the three marathons I've run. I was almost home and going to add on a little more when I went down. I tripped and went sliding head first across the asphalt. They had just repaved the street with chip and seal so I had gravel all down one side. I think it was the fogged up glasses that caused me to miss a bump in the sidewalk next to the alley. I slid across it like I was sliding into home plate. Luckily, my running skirt and socks withstood the slide. My hands are a little torn up as is my hip but otherwise okay.

So lesson learned, I will take the extra time to put my contacts in before I run:)

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