Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Winter Training Plan

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post my training plan. I found one I like on Marathon training
If I figure it out I will post a link. I also can't figure out how to post to the training plan page. I won't tell you how much time I have wasted this afternoon trying to do this. Oh well. Anyway, it is a slow buildup uses the 10% rule and has drop back weeks like every third or fourth week. It is 19 weeks so I will get my base up into the 30+ miles a week range. I'll see how I feel after that. In my head I am thinking I will then focus on some speed work before I begin my actual marathon training. I am one of those people that needs a plan posted on the fridge or I will come up with other things to do with my day.
The baby has an ear infection so she is taking a nap and the three year old is on the computer playing some games. I should be doing something more productive with my time. At least I washed the diapers already. Plan on running 3 miles this afternoon and meeting my sister tomorrow to get in 4. Already went to the Y today and did Mommy and Me sculpt class so at least I don't feel like I have completely wasted my day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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