I typed this yesterday and failed to publish it. oops.
My sister and I had a great run
yesterday Sunday. Of course I started out not so hot. The baby was up several times during the night. In the morning, I was slow moving. I couldn't find my hat, dropped a contact which took forever to find. It was just one of those mornings. I did take the time to pump this time though. I was half hoping my sister wouldn't show so I could just turn around and go back to bed. But she showed and I am glad she did. Once we got moving, I felt much better. It got up to the mid 30s. I didn't even need a jacket. We did the to the Arch and back route. Which is actually 13 but we decided to do 12. We were trucking along feeling pretty good. We stopped at 6 miles to take in a gu, some water, and turn around. At approx 9-9.5 my sister started with a side stitch that nagged at her off and on until the finish. But, we got it done.
Total 12 miles 2:04
10:27 pace
My sister is going to change her fueling for our next long run. I am thinking getting a smaller amount of carbs (~ 15 g) every 30-45 minutes rather than the 25-30 g of carbs every hour. I have a feeling the large ingestion of carbs led to the side stitch. We have plenty of time to get the fuel piece together before our half marathon this spring.
Anyone else have issues with Gu? Anyone have experience with some sort of block, chomp etc?
Shot blocks are fabulous. There are 6 in a sleeve and so it takes a while to get all the blocks down but I also think not inhaling a ton of fuel all at once helps with digestion.