Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birthday Girl

My oldest turned four today. I can't believe it has already been four years.  Unfortunately, she also started feeling sick this afternoon. So she spent the afternoon/evening lying on the couch watching Dora and Toy Story.  Poor thing.  Hopefully, she doesn't spread it to all of us but I have been feeling blah all day.  Until my run that is.

Met the team for mile repeats at planned half marathon pace.  So we would run 1 mile, then jog back to the start.  The loop is actually 1.2 miles, so not quite 400 jog between.  These actually felt really good, pace felt comfortable.  I was aiming for a 9:30 pace.  We were supposed to do 3-6 repeats, I ended up doing four.  My sis was not feeling it tonight and I was anxious to get back home to the sick birthday girl.  I had some serious mommy guilt for leaving the house at all, much less to run.  My miles were

my big girl
Looking around the blogs I see quite a few with sick kids or sick themselves.  Take care everyone.  Hope everyone is feeling better soon.  Spring is just around the corner!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. no guilt - I'm sure the running makes you a MUCH better Mom.

    looks like a great workout
