My knee has been a little cranky the last couple of days. I have been icing it like crazy. It feels much better after that, still a little creaky so we'll see. I took two rest days, I was going to do some strength stuff today but never got to it. Didn't get much sleep after working last night. The hubby ended up taking the kids to a graduation party, I stayed home and was going to sleep a little more but ended up sorting laundry and reading. I am on book number 2 on my goal of reading ten books this summer. I am currently reading Bart Yasso's My Life on the Run
Have you ever done a trail run, any last minute tips is I decide to go in the morning?
I've thought of trying more trail running since we have some AWESOME trails nearby but I just have not done any recently! Speaking of book reading, I need to get off this computer!! :) Thanks for the comment and info about riding while prego! :)