Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jogging Strollers Recalled by B.O.B. Trailers Due to Strangulation Hazard

Saw this and thought I'd spread the word. I believe this includes our duallie but I haven't double checked yet.

Jogging Strollers Recalled by B.O.B. Trailers Due to Strangulation Hazard

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why my brain just doesn't work today

Or most days but this is what my last 36 hours has looked like.
After getting up at 5:30 Friday morning to get the hubby and kids off, I headed to work. I worked until 12:30, picked up the kiddos. Quick nap for an hour when the hubby got home then back up for dinner, baths, bedtime routine. Then it was time to get ready for my next shift, yep I then worked the night shift. By time I got home this morning, I had been awake for 27 hours. I was exhausted. I fed the baby, slept for a little while, fed her again, slept for a few more hours. By 1:30 I gave up on the elusive sleep and got up for the day. Luckily, my hubby had picked up a cupcakes for the baby's first birthday tomorrow and one for me today. So I had my "morning coffee" and this:
Chocolate Espresso Cupcake

In the evening the preschooler and hubby went to the daddy daughter dance. They had a great time while I spent some quality time with Sweet Pea. Had a good day but have realized I didn't get make time to exercise yesterday or today. Oops.
On the schedule for tomorrow is a long run with the training group. A six miler at planned HMP. Hoping for some good sleep tonight because I am so over tired that I can barely think. I have the alarm set early because I can't think about getting my clothes out right now.

So when I make no sense, now you know why.
Sweet Pea turns one tomorrow! Yay!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Whew, been a busy week here.  The weather has been BEAUTIFUL!  It has been in the 70s the last couple of days.  We have been running errands, hanging out outside, enjoying the weather before mother nature remembers it is still winter!
Yesterday, I dragged the kids around in the wagon to see Grandma at work.  I should have taken pictures but I failed to bring the camera.  oops.  It was a good upper body workout.  I met the training team for a tempo run in the evening.  I felt good, the hip has been feeling good.  We (my sis and I) ended up doing 3 miles in 26:29
Mile 1 8:53
MIle 2 8: 58
Mile 3 8:38
So,  that was way under our planned half marathon pace but the weather was beautiful and it felt so good to be out running in a t-shirt.  We have a long run on Sunday that is supposed to be at our planned HMP.

Today, I met my sister for a recovery run.  We did a few easy miles pushing the stroller.  During the baby's afternoon nap I did my Shed 5 Fast DVD and some additional ab work.  Then it was back outside for more fun with the kids and the neighbors!

Are you enjoying the weather and getting out more?  Looking forward to spring?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Back in the groove

After taking the week off for my i.t. band to feel normal, I finally got off my a$$ and ran Sunday afternoon in 50 degree weather! It wasn't easy and I sucked wind but I got 8 miles done. I did a lot of walking in the last mile but I'll take it.

Today I got out and did a two mile recovery run. Again with no complaints from my i.t. band. Yay! I also did my Shed 5 Fast DVD so I'm feeling pretty good.

My hubby and preschooler also made me some chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. They were awesome and I shared so I didn't have all those calories to myself.

Looking forward to the rest of the week. I have tickets to see 9 to 5 with my bff and some of my family tomorrow. The temperatures will be in the 50-60s this week so I'll be able to take the baby out in the stroller.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The answer to yesterday's photos

So to answer yesterday's post. The ice covering everything meant we ran on the roads at the park. The roads are really cambered and my knee starting bothering me during the run. Called it at 7.6 miles (planned 8). Stretched the i.t. really well and felt good after that. Tuesday my hip started to hurt but I figured it was from working and a good night sleep would make me feel better.


My hip was really painful Wednesday. So I purchased a foam roller. Been using that, icing, and did an easy spin on the bike trainer last night. Btw, check out runners world website for video clips of how to use the foam roller.

It was too cold and icy to take the baby in the stroller today. Not sure what happened to the rest of the day, but here I am feeding the baby, hoping she will go to sleep soon, and no workout done yet. My hip is still sore but not painful like it was yesterday. Progress. It is finally supposed to get above freezing this weekend so I am hoping to get back out there this weekend. Might try the treadmill tomorrow. A little nervous about overdoing it, running too soon. Thought I'd give it a few days. It is definitely the i.t. band. I have had issues before so now I just need to keep it from getting cranky on me again.

My plan is to ease back into it. Continue the foam roller, stretching. I am going to have to make sure I do some dynamic stretching before I run and static stretching afterwards.

Any other advice for the cranky i.t. band? Should I be totally pain free before I start running? I still have like 9 weeks until the half marathon so I think I have plenty of time, I hope.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice, Sleet, Snow

For those of you not in the Midwest, we got first a layer of ice. After that rolled through we got a couple inches of sleet. Yep, the place was covered with these little white pellets, imagine puffed rice. On top of that a few inches of snow. I am thankful that we didn't get the blizzard they were predicting. Everything was closed Monday and Tuesday. My gym closed early on Monday and is not reopening until afternoon today. The bright side is my hubby had Tuesday off and a late start today. My preschooler had a fever yesterday and spent the day on the couch, napping occasionally. Good timing on her part because school was cancelled and we couldn't go anywhere. She is all better today, minus a little cough.

So where does that leave my running, a big zero for Monday and Tuesday. I just got an email that we will have a run with the training group tonight but it will be an easy run, no 800s. I am debating whether I will do that or head to the probably very crowded gym for a treadmill and do the 800 workout on that. I'll see how I feel later. Lucky for me that after several building weeks, this is a planned drop back week.

Anyone else stuck inside for a few days? What have you been doing to get through?

We've been watching too much t.v., staying in our pjs, eating, drinking warm beverages. Did I mention eating?

Hoping my running tights fit tonight...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday Rewind

I typed this yesterday and failed to publish it.  oops.  
My sister and I had a great run yesterday Sunday.  Of course I started out not so hot.  The baby was up several times during the night.  In the morning, I was slow moving.  I couldn't find my hat, dropped a contact which took forever to find.   It was just one of those mornings. I did take the time to pump this time though. I was half hoping my sister wouldn't show so I could just turn around and go back to bed.  But she showed and I am glad she did.  Once we got moving, I felt much better.   It got up to the mid 30s. I didn't even need a jacket.  We did the to the Arch and back route.  Which is actually 13 but we decided to do 12.  We were trucking along  feeling pretty good.   We stopped at 6 miles to take in a gu, some water, and turn around.  At approx 9-9.5 my sister started with a side stitch that nagged at her off and on until the finish.  But, we got it done.
Total 12 miles  2:04  
10:27 pace
My sister is going to change her fueling for our next long run.  I am thinking getting a smaller amount of carbs (~ 15 g) every 30-45 minutes rather than the 25-30 g of carbs every hour.  I have a feeling the large   ingestion of carbs led to the side stitch.  We have plenty of time to get the fuel piece together before our half marathon this spring.

Anyone else have issues with Gu?  Anyone have experience with some sort of block, chomp etc?